Dr. Fadia Samarah

Dr. Fadia Samarah

Dr. Fadia Samarah

Dr. Samarah is a patient rights activist supporting civic engagement in health policy designs and decision making. She is the founding member and the current Secretary General of The Patient Protection Coalition (PPC) that consists of 20 Health and Patients’ civil society organizations under one umbrella to consolidate efforts in support of patient’s rights to health care and access to medicines. Dr. Samarah is a well-respected health issues consultant and an expert in setting strategic plans in advocacy and public health education. Among her most cherished interventions is Himmetna where she poured her passion into its establishment. Her objective was to utilize corporate social responsibility funds and direct them to high priority sectors in cooperation with governmental health institutions to serve a wide range of citizens. 

Dr. Samarah has more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical regulatory, sales and marketing areas with extensive experience in drug legislation and procurement systems as well as executive management for pharmaceutical and medical marketing and sales teams. She is also the recipient of the King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein Order for Distinction of the Second Degree. Dr. Samarah holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the Jordan University of Science and Technology.